Healthy Heart Awareness

February is American Heart Month and there is no time like now to learn about heart health and ways to keep your heart healthy.   Our staff at Winston Medical Center… Read more »

Heart Health Fact #20

Heart Health Fact #20 Your heart pumps blood to 75 TRILLION cells throughout your body. Almost everywhere … except your corneas. [Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Science]

Heart Health Fact #19

Heart Health Fact #19 Keep Calm and … Stay Heart Healthy? Studies suggest angry outbursts can boost the chance of heart attack and stroke. [Harvard School of Medicine]

Heart Health Fact #17

Heart Health Fact #17 An adult heart pumps more than a gallon of blood per minute – enough to fill 38,000 drinking glasses each day! [Cleveland Clinic]

Heart Health Fact #16

Heart Health Fact #16 Happy birthday, EKG! This vital medical instrument was invented 114 years ago and revolutionized the way in which heart problems are detected. [Cleveland Clinic]

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