Heart Health Fact #15

Heart Health Fact #15 Run as fast as you can but you’ll never get your heart to beat as fast as the Etruscan shrew. Its tiny heart hammers away an… Read more »

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Heart Health Fact #14

Heart Health Fact #14 Your heart looks nothing like a Valentine heart. This powerhouse organ is actually shaped more like an upside-down pear. [Cleveland Clinic]

Heart Health Fact #13

Heart Health Fact #13 Researchers think Beethoven had an irregular heartbeat and that the condition may have inspired his greatest music. What’s your favorite Beethoven piece? [A History of the… Read more »

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Heart Health Fact #12

Heart Health Fact #12 Healthy heart, healthy mind. Good heart health when you’re young may increase your chances of staying mentally sharp as you age. [American Heart Association]

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