Diabetes Report Card!

Click on the link below to read about the Diabetes Report Card provided by the CDC: Diabetes-Report-Card 2017-5081

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Ouida Ward, Dogwood Resident of the Month

Mrs. Ouida Ward was nominated as the Dogwood “Resident of the Month.”   Mrs. Ward was nominated by her peers for this great honor. She was employed by Coca Cola… Read more »

Willow Cottage Resident of the Month

 Congratulations to Mrs. Ruth Duran!  Mrs. Duran was nominated by her peers for “Resident of the Month!” Mrs. Duran enjoys reading, talking to other residents and is always trying to… Read more »

Elvismas Celebration at WMC-Senior Care

The holidays may be officially over, but there are still plenty of reasons to celebrate in the New Year. And today, January 8th, is a big one: Elvis Presley’s birthday—also… Read more »

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight

A healthy lifestyle involves many choices. Among them, choosing a balanced diet or healthy eating plan. So how do you choose a healthy eating plan? Let’s begin by defining what… Read more »

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